Dal 28 al 30 gennaio 2013, la DG-AGRI organizza a favore di giornalisti under-35 che sono iscritti alle organizzazioni di giornalisti agricoli aderenti all’ENAJ (come la nostra UNAGA) un Viaggio-Studio a Bruxelles a spese della DG-AGRI.
L’Italia ha diritto a 2 posti: le iscrizioni devono essere presentate a Bruxelles entro lunedì 17 dicembre.
Questa la descrizione giunta al nostro ufficio:
“Dear journalists, as mentioned at the ENAJ general assembly, we would much appreciate your advice on young journalists from your guild that we could invite on this first trip of 2013. They do not need to be members on ag-press but should preferably be under 35 and should not have participated at the other study trip(s).
The programme is obviously not yet ready…..but we will offer the following on 28-30/1/2013
Day 1
Arrival – Welcome dinner at restaurant nearby the hotel
Day 2
Training sessions in DG AGRI, vistits to the midday briefing and possibly also EP and Council (tbc)
Field trip to Flanders – theme is Producer Organisations and Direct SalesDeparture in late afternoon
Aspettiamo le vostre adesioni!